by syseng | Jun 15, 2016 |
Facebook does not give us access to your username and password. Facebook has a feature called Facebook Connect that allows us to let you use your Facebook profile to login/logout of CROSSPATHS without us ever knowing your user credentials. To learn more about Facebook...
by syseng | Jun 15, 2016 |
We need photos so we can create your profile. Other info like current city, hometown, likes, interests, and education are things we use to find the best match for you. We can only get this information if you grant us the permissions on Facebook. You never know where...
by syseng | Jun 15, 2016 |
No. We will not notify your Facebook friends. CROSSPATHS is designed to cater to people who want privacy. We would never intentionally notify your friends or post on your timeline.
by syseng | Jun 15, 2016 |
No. We will not notify your Facebook friends. CROSSPATHS is designed to cater to people who want privacy. We would never intentionally notify your friends or post on your timeline.